Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sisterly Love

Thursday, July 24, 2008
The theater, darling!

"Mommy, it's not a hat!"
Rachael thinks it works as an accessory too!
Today was another big day! While we were in California, Chris' mom took the girls to the library one day and said they really enjoyed it, so I took them to ours today and...
Grace got her first library card!
(This is what you get when you ask her to smile now! PRECIOUS!)

Grace is getting ready to go to KinderPraise next week, and then before we know it we'll be getting a home visit from her teacher at her new school, and then it's going to be time for school to start! And then she's going to turn 5! ACK!!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Home again, home again!

Very cool monument next to the USS Midway. (Taken by my tour guide for the day!)
The next three days while Chris was in training, I busied myself doing... Well, pretty much nothing! I drove through the Temecula Valley Wine Country, I read, I slept, I lounged at the pool. It was wonderful! Chris was done no later than 4:30 each day so we had plenty of time together in the evenings. The last day we went through Temecula's Old Town with his three co-workers (they definitely made the trip even more fun!), did some light shopping and then had dinner.
We were definitely ready to get home to our girls!! The trip was amazing and I am so thankful we had that time together (and I had that time to myself), but there is a lot to be said to hearing the squeal of "Mommy!" and feeling little arms tight around your neck!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008
What's in a name?

Monday, July 7, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Fun on the 4th! (And 3rd, and 5th!)
Papa came to visit us on the 4th, bearing gifts! Grace has taken the Nemo-type stuffed fish with her everywhere so far! Papa knows what he's doing and also brought BUBBLES! It was a beautiful day, so we went outside and the girls had so much fun chasing them everywhere! I got some fun "action shots" that are in the slideshow below!
That evening, Rachael and Chris were completely wiped out, and at the last minute Grace and I were able to join the Campbells to go watch the fireworks. Grace has outgrown being afraid of them, and she only covers her ears during the finale! It's so fun to hear her commentary throughout the show! I snuck in a picture of she and I at the end, and someone else snuck into the shot as well! :-) So cute!
Chris and his dad finished up late on the 4th, so after they got home on the 5th we went over for a little cookout. Grandpa was in the backyard with the girls, and I took some fun pictures of Rachael, our little athlete, that I put in the slideshow. There were too many to choose from!! In a RARE moment of stillness, I grabbed a picture of she and I -- I think it's the first one I've gotten like this since she was about 6 months old! Look at those eyes!
Well, I'm going to try to show the slideshow in a separate post, it's not working in this one! Hope you and your family had fun celebrating our Independence Day!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Where did June go?!

After VBS finished up on Thursday, we dropped Rachael off at her Grandma's, and Grace, Nana and I all headed up to Georgia to visit Katrina and her family, and meet Veronica! With a stop for dinner and another for gas, the drive took 10 hours. Mom's wonderful friend, Barbara, let us borrow a DVD player for the car and that was a lifesaver! I have a new appreciation for Color Wonder by Crayola as well!
It was so good seeing Katrina and spending time with the whole family! One of the best parts was getting to be Super Aunt for a little bit! Savannah let me brush her hair and play with it -- I braided it one night and put clips in it for church on Sunday morning! Veronica made me feel so special, because she seemed to quiet down and fall asleep when I would hold her! I loved it!

It was hard to leave, especially hearing Grace ask if Savannah could come play this week (heartbreaking!), but Mom and I were ready to get back to our husbands, and I was missing Rachael as well! She got some quality time with Daddy and Grandma while we were gone, and they all had a blast! Daddy even took her on a date to Steak 'n Shake, where she sat in a booster seat and fed herself for the whole meal! What a big girl!

As I said once before, I don't know who came up with the term "stay-at-home mom," but I'm starting to think that it was not a mommy!!