Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Just in case pictures!

Just in case we can't manage family pictures for Christmas, before we went upstairs after Grace got home from school I had the girls sit down for some pictures. I figure maybe I can turn them black and white, slap them on a Christmasy background and manage a Christmas card... Or a New Year's card, which I've done before! :-) They were really cooperative, and as always, CUTE!

Definitely the most natural of all of them!

Grace was hugging on her sister, she was being very sweet! Always good to capture on film!

I don't know what they were looking at, but I liked that Rachael was kind of smiling!

I tried to get a few of each of them on their own, but Grace stayed for ONE and then went to toss grass in the water. (No, I don't know why.) Rachael gave me some pretty interesting faces!

Before she bolted!

Her most thoughtful look...

"What is Grace doing over there?"
CHEESE! She was smiling for her sister here -- and you can see her teeth (top and bottom) poking through in this one!


Carrie Friday said...


Amanda said...

These pictures are too cute! Can you believe how fast they grow?!? I enjoy catching up with you through your blog!

The McNeils said...

too cute! They both look so happy!