Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss

Rachael and I paid tribute to Dr. Suess by doing laundry and sorting socks! She found new socks. Two socks. Who's socks? Sue's socks. Doesn't Rachael look like she's having a blast? She loves to just toss out all the other clean clothes to search for the socks, then she sticks her hand in and pulls the end through -- even if it was already right-side-out! That's okay though, there's no way I'm going to stop her and risk discouraging her from helping with the laundry!

While we were at home celebrating in our own way, Grace's class had green eggs and ham! She would not eat them here or there, she would not eat them anywhere! She did, however, wear her Cat In The Hat hat, which she was very proud of! That, and her whiskers -- can you see them? She's hoping they stay on until Daddy gets home! Thankfully there's plenty of eyeliner around in case there's a whisker emergency!

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