Rachael and Susanna saying CHEEEEEEESE!!!
And they just kept on saying it... Over and over and over again.
They thought they were hilarious!
So I mentioned politics, right? A couple of weeks ago, Sen. John McCain came to our town for a Road to Victory Rally. The guy Chris used to work with managed to get Chris in as a volunteer, and he got to drive in McCain's motorcade! He drove a van and his passengers included two Secret Service agents and the press that was traveling with McCain. He was on a real high after speeding down local streets and blowing through stop signs and red lights!
He scored me a VIP pass, and I had a lot of fun! Especially when Carl Cameron from FOXNews set up directly to my left to do his report! Okay, so I didn't know who he was at first, but c'mon, I have two small children and the Phillies were in the playoffs, I have had very little control over what's on TV recently! But it didn't take long for me to realize that this guy was very popular among the crowd I was with, so:
I had to have my picture taken with Campaign Carl!As exciting as that may be, though, it does not compare to this:
Nope, those are not wax figures or cardboard cutouts, those are the McCains, and that is Chris. Very, very cool!
We're not big on Halloween here, but the girls (and I) will be dressing up for a Costume Night and a Fall Festival, so hopefully we'll have some cute pictures of our fairy, cheerleader, and Sarah Palin. I guess you'll have to check back to see who is who! :-D