Thursday, March 27, 2008

Spring Pictures

A couple of weekends ago we had the opportunity to have our pictures taken by the wonderful Sonya Coates (whose name may be changing soon since she'll be married shortly!). Sonya and I knew one another in junior high and high school and recently got back in touch. (Hooray for the internet!) After seeing some of Sonya's work, I really wanted her to do something with us! I love these pictures! Sonya did an amazing job -- she was so patient! With two little ones and a VERY windy day (which will explain Rachael's troll doll hair), patience was more than a virtue -- it was a necessity!

It's about 2 minutes long and it is set to music -- so if you're sneaking a peek at work, turn your speakers down or off! :-) Enjoy!!


Anonymous said...

How fabulous! They are ALL so good! What a beautiful family.

Sonya said...


Thank you so much for the lovely comments! I had such a wonderful time with you, Chris and the girls :-) Love the slideshow...somehing about music and photos, always adds so much more to them. Take care and see you soon!
