Friday, October 19, 2007

Family in the Fall

Today was Pumpkin Patch day with our ME (Mom Enrichment) Time group! The church that held it offered a story time, goody bags, a small pumpkin for the bigger kids, and of course many photo opportunities! Here's the one shot I managed of the girls together in their matching shirts, courtesy of Grandma!This past weekend when Lisa and Darryl (Chris' sister and brother-in-law) were in town, our friend Sarah took some great pictures of all of us with Chris' parents. If I get permission, I'll share one of those, but here are some she took of our little family...

Yay! All smiles!

Mommy & Her Girls ... Rachael had already about had it at this point!

I put these in black and white -- I was hoping it would decrease the look of the "expression lines" around my face! Bleah! But doesn't Grace look sweet? Her being a little bit of a ham pays off on days like this!

I know it isn't the sweetest face ever, but I love this scowl! I love the faces she makes!

Well, I'm going to have to go out and take pictures of Chris with Grace, but here's a shot of Daddy with his biggest fan! Take my word for it, she's actually squealing with delight here!

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