That's me (standing, third from the left) with a bunch of friends after we ran the Disney Royal Family 5K at Epcot the first weekend in March. This was my first 5K, and even though I didn't get bit by the running bug, I did have a lot of fun! It probably helped that we were all wearing tutus and boas!
And even though I let the cold weather we had and the time change (too dark in the early morning!) further disrupt my "training," I signed up for another 5K in April. No tutus this time!
That's the girls just this past Sunday, wearing dresses they got for Christmas from their GG -- the weather was finally spring-y enough for them!
Gracie is doing great in school, her teacher has started her in the Accelerated Reader program and she seems to be loving it, and doing well! She hasn't shown an interest in any kind of after-school activity so far (soccer, ballet, etc.), but when I told her about her school's Young Authors Celebration and that she could write a book for it, she was all over it! She wrote three little books in one weekend! We picked one to turn in -- she dictated her words to me since she was having trouble fitting them on the page, and she did all the illustrations and the cover page! She was so excited to turn it in!
Rachael has turned into a total Chatty Cathy! I love listening to her talk, and she's getting much more conversational with the moms and dads of her friends! I've been told she's pretty much the teacher's little assistant in her preschool class, and that just tickles me! She's also started to sing songs in the car and during movies -- I'm already looking forward to the fall when she starts choir! Of course, we'll see how she does at the end of the year program for preschool in May!
This is our Spring Break, so I've been trying to keep the girls busy -- and we had our 2nd Annual Pajama Day on Tuesday! The girls loved going to the mall in their pajamas with their friends, and I have to admit, it was pretty comfy! Three other moms and their kids joined us this year, it was a lot of fun! We have a big playdate and picnic coming up, then a movie morning, and by next Monday I'll probably need another week to recover!
Now, for your viewing pleasure... Recently Chris got me a new game for the Wii, Just Dance, and Grace decided she was going to get in on the action. She's already topped my score at a couple of the songs! So here we are "dancing" to Wannabe by The Spice Girls:
Now that I've sufficiently made a fool of myself, I'll go! :-) Hope things are warming up where you're at!